Strategies for Active Learning (SAL)

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(Group Leader: Claudio Fazio, University of Palermo, Italy)

As it is well known from the research literature, in order to effectively learn Physics students should do more than just listen to a lesson. They should be engaged in actively reading, writing, posing and discussing questions, gathering data from different sources, building models and in solving problems ultimately aimed at developing their knowledge, skills and attitudes. In Active Learning students are basically engaged in two aspects: doing things and reflecting about the things they are doing.

The Strategies for Active Learning (SAL) is a GIREP Thematic Group formed by teachers and researchers in Physics Education interested in promoting and deepening the understanding and use of active teaching/learning strategies in Secondary School. The main scope of SAL is to propose, compare, discuss and evaluate innovative, as well as more traditional strategies aimed at helping students to become engaged in assimilating the physics being taught in classrooms, as well as in informal settings, reflecting on their learning.


To propose and discuss the planning and in-class implementation of educational approaches aimed at improving active learning by the use of innovative tools.
To critically reflect on the role of technology tools in active learning.
To discuss the role of laboratory and modeling activities in active learning.
To compare active learning strategies in formal and informal education settings.
To discuss the active learning aspects of different educational approaches well documented in Science Education Research, such as Inquiry Based Science Education, Responsible Research and Innovation, Massive Open Online Activities, etc.
To discuss the skills a teacher needs to effective implement active-learning strategies and its role in the student learning processes.
To propose and discuss possible methods to evaluate the effectiveness of active-learning approaches on student understanding of Physics.

In order to achieve these objectives the SAL GTG will promote and support activities that foster communication and exchange among teachers and researchers interested in Active Learning, including the organization of Invited Symposia and Workshops at GIREP Conferences.

GIREP members interested in participating to SAL GTG and/or sharing their ideas and proposals can contact by email Claudio Fazio