Conferences and Seminars

GIREP-EPEC 2009 International Conference

Community and Cooperation
17.- 21. August 2009, University of Leicester, Great Britain

GIREP Conference 2008

Physics Curriculum Design, Development and Validation
18. – 22. August 2008, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

GIREP-EPEC Conference 2007

Frontiers of Physics Education
26. – 31. August 2007, Opatija, Croatia

GIREP Conference 2006

Modelling in Physics and Physics Education
20.-25. August 2006, AMSTEL institute, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

GIREP Conference 2004

Teaching and Learning Physics in New Contexts
19.-23. July 2004, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

GIREP Conference 2002

Physics in new fields and modern applications
August 5.-9. 2002, Lund, Sweden

GIREP Conference 2000

Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000
August 27. – September 1. 2000, Barcelona, Spain

GIREP Conference 1998

Hands-On Experiments in Physics Education

Conference 1996

New ways of teaching physics
21. – 27. August 1996, Ljubljana, Slovenia

GIREP Conference 1995

Teaching the science of condensed matter and new materials
24.-30. August 1995, University of Udine, Italy